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Monday, July 25, 2011

School Supply Shopping

I was actually kind of excited to make the trip to Lakeshore Learning in Roseville, even though I was going alone. I needed gas, so I went out of my way to go to Costco. No Costco card...Daniel has it. I'm mad he didn't give it back to me, so I text him. He's says, no, it's on the dresser. That doesn't really help me, I'm not home...But Chevron was right around the corner, but I'm a little on edge because it's not in the best part of town.

My first stop was Ikea to check if they still have those cool crayon "toolboxes" I saw last year. Upon driving into the parking lot at 9:35, I discover they don't open until 10:00 (crap!). I have to pee and am a bit hungry so I take care of that and go to the cafeteria. The family of 5 in front of me can't make up their minds, finally order the "big breakfast" (all of them), the server runs out of potatoes, has to go get more, ok. My turn. I order a small side of french toast. The said family of 5 in front of me is now deciding what they want to water? What do you want, Honey? When they finally get out of my way, I pay my $3 for a soda and my french toast. The family of 5 is now deciding what soda they want from the soda fountain, which is not functioning properly and has no ice (the soda cost more than my french toast). The mom actually took pity on me and told me to go first. So I sit down at a table with my iceless (diet) soda and 5 french toast sticks, which are now cold as ice. *sigh* At least I made my purchases without further ado, except I wanted everything I saw at Ikea and the bed frame we bought 2 years ago is now $100 less...

So I head off to Lakeshore Learning, the most awesome store for teacher, parents, and kids. Oops! (not the actual word I used). There's a CHP radar-gunning people! How fast am I going?!? Relieved, I realize that I was smart and utilized my cruise control. Whew! 

I over spent at Lakeshore but that all went pretty well, too. My next stop was the Bead Shoppe. I was very disciplined and only bought what I came to get, even though I really, really, really wanted the beautiful opal briolettes for half off... I can't get out of the parking lot because there's a bizarre number of big rigs blocking me. I finally find my way out only to end up nose to nose with a UPS truck. Geez! (again, not the actual word I used).

Once on the freeway, nobody is even going the speed limit of 65 mph and I can't get around anybody. When I finally do, the big rig on my right showers my newish car with baby bits of gravel (sounds like hail, but it's GRAVEL).

I had another stop to make, but I decided to call it quits. I'm home now and have not checked for damage to my car because I'm not ready for that yet.  Will check when I venture out to go grocery shopping...

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't going to start any school shopping yet. Heck, we just set up the pool. But 40 cents for a two pack of glue sticks at Walmart? Hard to pass up.

    Looking forward to seeing you next month. It seems like yesterday Rob was in First Grade. Now he'll be in 4th. Yikes!

    Enjoy the rest of your summer!
